Friday, September 17, 2010

How Long Do Hives Last?

Hives can be quite unbearable to say the least. Not only are they unsightly, painful, and very uncomfortable.. the constant itching is still my biggest complaint. There is very little relief available for the treatment of  hives, leaving you to feel miserable, helpless, and hopeless.

Exactly how long do hives last? Well that depends on a few factors.

The most common form of hives, also being the most simplistic is called Acute Urticaria. This type of hive breakout will only be expected to last for 6-36 hours.

If you have been diagnosed with having chronic hives, you may be dealing with this problem way longer than you could imagine. Although, Chronic Urticaria is a bit more rare, it is much more difficult to battle.

The cycle of a breakout for chronic hives can last anywhere from 36 hours and up. Having this type of hives can effect you for months, or even years.

In this situation a natural approach may be much more effective, when looking for a cure. In most urticaria cases, the immune system is to blame.

Many people who have suffered from hives have already found relief, by concentrating their efforts on rebuilding their immune system.

Imagine solving the mystery, and getting to the bottom of whats making you itch. If you are ready to take your life back check out this natural hives treatment now, for a clear tomorrow.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are Hives Contagious?

Hives may be itchy, painful, ugly, embarrassing, and just down right miserable, but are hives contagious?

Absolutely not. I do remember that when I would scratch any area, more hives would form.

But as for actually passing them on to someone else, don't worry.. that is not going to happen.

Being diagnosed 15 years ago with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria, has been a horrible life changing experience that no one should ever have to endure.

What is Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria?

My explanation is simple. Chronic means that the hives last more than six weeks. Idiopathic is another way of saying that there isn't a determinable cause, and Urticaria is just the medical term for hives.

Normal hives treatments such as antihistamines offer very little relief to those of us in this situation. Steroids are known to be of the most help, but doctors can't give these regularly due to their dangerous side effects.

I have recently discovered a book online, that takes a natural approach to healing and stopping urticaria out breaks.

Did you know that a damaged immune system is one common denominator in chronic urticaria patients?

Focusing attention on rebuilding immunity has been considered a cure for many people, including me. I am so grateful not to have itchy, blotchy, wheels of hives covering my skin anymore.    

Want more information on this natural hives treatment for adults? <<---Click

What Do Hives Look Like?

People that have been affected by Urticaria say that their outbreaks are brought on suddenly, and are known to spread fast. What do hives look like? See a picture of hives here.

You may notice a few single reddish-pink welts, or they may join together to form what is known as plaques.  Hives can be localized to one area, or may actually affect the whole entire body.

Each individual lesion can vary in shape, and size. These unsightly bumps, or wheals  may even change form during an outbreak. A hive outbreak can continue for a few hours, days, or even years.

The most common symptoms of Urticaria include; swelling, itching, burning, stinging, as well as sore to the touch. Not everyone will experience the same hive symptoms.   

Urticaria is the medical term for hives. What triggers a hive outbreak? For most people the common cause for it's unwelcome appearance is of course, an allergen.

In some instances, urticaria is a sign of a more prominent problem like lupus, kidney disease, or other autoimmune disorders. Proper testing will be required in order to rule out these factors.

When you come in contact with a substance in which you are allergic to, or are sensitive to.. the result is hives.

After your body meets this matter that it is allergic to, histamines and other chemicals are released into the bloodstream. This causes the capillaries and veins to leak. This fluid then gets trapped in the skin, which is the cause of itching, and localized swelling, as seen with hives.

I know from first hand experience how difficult it is to live with urticaria, it seemed as if I was being tortured. I had numerous pricks test me, oops maybe I meant to say numerous prick test then again both statements are true.

In case you were unaware a prick test is where they poke you in the back with a needle to see if they can discover what you are allergic to. This is not only painful, its expensive as well.

After having many done without getting any closer to the cause I stopped going to my allergist completely. I simply could not afford these appointments especially without gaining any results.

That is when I began searching the internet for help, some how I knew I wasn't the only one in the world who had this problem..there had to be other people out there like me. Someone has to know how to put an end to this misery.

Chasing information on the web had good points and bad. For instance it was comforting to know other people did suffer from this same problem, and everyone had tons of great advice but the bad side of that was none of the things I tried were working for me.

Hopelessness was starting to sink into my chest, and that's when it next search led me right to my cure. This is a natural hive treatment that will work to stop urticaria dead in its tracks. You will be surprised that you didn't figure it out sooner.  


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hives Treatment For Adults

Are you suffering from Urticaria?  Believe it or not, an estimated 90% of our entire world's population will experience this skin condition, also known as hives. There are many different hives treatment for adults, but many will not find a viable solution to their problem.

Urticaria Picture

Hives may appear as unsightly red, pink or white painful, itchy patches of raised or swollen skin. Hives can target small  areas on the body or in many cases they may group together and affect the entire body. Urticaria patients also report feeling sore to the touch, with over all body aches and pains. 

Most people will be lucky enough to only endure this skin problem, on a few rare occasions. This is better known as acute hives, usually brought upon by a food, or substance. Antihistamines are usually enough to control this form of Urticaria.

There are many individuals who are much less fortunate who will suffer from hives that last more than 6 weeks at a time. This is what's known as chronic hives, or chronic Urticaria. 

There is very little medical relief available for those who are tortured by this chronic skin condition. Although steroids treatments seem to be helpful, but doctors will avoid giving this prescription on a regular basis.

Often an overactive immune system is the real cause of Urticaria. Chronic hives may be the result of a more serious problem like.. liver or kidney disease, and in some cases Lupus. For many people that suffer from chronic urticaria, the root cause is still very unclear.

After extensive testing, most doctors are completely baffled and have no choice but to move forward with treating the symptoms. Basically leaving you to believe that there is little help available.

Using a natural hives treatment for adults may be the answer you are looking for. In order to stop chronic hives, you may need to focus on repairing your immune system. Doing this has brought great relief to many people, that once thought they would be plagued with hives for the rest of their life time.

If you have been diagnosed with Urticaria and have yet to find a cure, you may want consider using a natural hives treatment that will address the immune system. This is not an overnight cure, or quick fix to the problem.

It may take a month or so, to completely repair the damage. This does give you a greater chance of actually stopping the problem from reoccurring, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Don't you think it's time to put an end to all of your suffering? Can you imagine how much better life will be without the torture, and embarrassment of these painful, itchy, red welts?

Many others suffering with Urticaria have already experienced great success after using this natural hives treatment. I am one of them, and I am very thankful to have found relief.

Repair your immune system, and enjoy a life without hives. I know how unbearable urticaria can be, I suffered needlessly for over 15 years. Don't let that happen to you, get help now using a natural hives treatment for adults.